Directed and Animated by Bill Northcott
Produced by Simon Westlake
Designed by Bill Northcott and Simon Westlake
Voice Over by Alex Rain
Music by Matt Abeysekera
SuperDataHub Explainer Video
ScriptRock Explainer Video
Here’s the new explainer video for the good guys at
Direction and Design by Simon westlake
Animation by Simon Westlake, Bill Northcott and Jarrod Prince.
Narration by Greg Tomlin
Character Voices by Brad Ziffer, Jehshua Barnes and Shira Adler
Bugherd Explainer Video
TinyLoud is proud to announce the completion of a new Explainer Video for Direction, Design, Animation and Script Development by TinyLoud.
ABC2 Station Closer Video
We were asked by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to create a unique 10 second Station Closer Animation to be played when its ABC2 channel finished broadcasting each night. This is the outcome. Concept, design, execution and sound design by TinyLoud.
AsdeqDocs Explainer Video
Here’s a brand spanking new Explainer Video for Direction, Design, Animation and Script Development by TinyLoud. Voiced by Brian Richie